
Feedstuff analyses pet

Complete analyses

  • basic package: DM, CP, CF, EE, CA

Mineral nutrients

  • P5
    • Ca, P, Na, Mg, K
  • P11
    • Ca, P, Na, Mg, K, Cl, S, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe

Mineral nutrients - single analyses

  • selenium
  • iodine

Amino acids


fatty acid profil

Microbiological analyses

The range of complete and supplementary feedstuffs for pets is very diverse. Due to increasing product sensitization on the consumer side and the desire for safe and healthy petfood, we recommend microbiological testing for Salmonella and Enterobacteriacea according to Regulation (EC) 142/2011. For this purpose, please send in five individual samples for the analysis. 


If you have any further questions about microbiological testing, please contact Ms. Wolfram 03720687187.

order form

New price list

Please note that a new pricelist for our analyses will apply at LKS mbH from April 2024. We will be happy to provide you with these upon request.


Our petfood analyses

To ensure that all nutrients are fed as needed, the design of an appropriate complete, supplemental or dietary feed is an essential factor in ensuring animal health. For this purpose, we offer feedstuff analyses, nutritional-physiological expertises, declaration preparations and microbiological tests.


In addition, you can take advantage of our specialist veterinary nutritional advice for dogs and cats ensuring health or dietary support for sick animals.

More informations you get HERE.

Cornelia Rückert

Forschung/Entwicklung u. Fachberatung

Veterinarian for animal nutrition and dietetics
+49 37206 87-165