Data according to § 5 DDG
Sächsischer Landeskontrollverband e.V.
August-Bebel-Str. 6
09577 Niederwiesa/OT Lichtenwalde - GERMANY
Telefon: (+49 3 72 06) 87-0
Fax: (+49 3 72 06) 87-230
Sächsischer Landeskontrollverband e.V.
Managing director
Prof. Dr. Jörg Hilger
Chairman of the board
Jan Gumpert
Local court
Register of associations
Ust. Ident. Nr.
Responsible for content according to § 55 RStV
Sächsischer Landeskontrollverband e.V.
August-Bebel-Str. 6
09577 Niederwiesa/OT Lichtenwalde - GERMANY
Design and technical implementation
amareco GmbH
Image and video rights
All images and videos used on the website are either the property of the Sächsischer Landeskontrollverband e.V., provided by our partners or duly licensed images whose copyright notice is visibly attached to the image.
This Internet presentation is protected by copyright. Reproduction, even in part, requires the written permission of a responsible employee of our association. Legally protected names, such as brand names, figurative marks, designations for utility patents, protected proper names, etc., if used in this Internet presentation, serve only as exact and safe designations. They are the property of the respective legal owner.