Veterinary diagnostics

Analyses veterinary diagnostics

Metabolic analytics


blood profile - herd control cattle

  • FFS, BHB, AST, ALT, Bili, GLDH, Hst, Chol, ß-Carotin, Ca, P, Mg, Se

Package to get an overview of feeding management control

Monitoring energy balance, liver health, acid-base status, (acidosis/alkalosis) and mineral balance.

blood profile - cattle

  • FFS, BHB, AST, ALT, Bili, GLDH, Hst, Chol, Ca, P, Mg

Blood profile - birth paresis

  • FFS, BHB, AST, ALT, AP, Bili, GLDH, Hst, Chol, Krea, CK, Ca, P, Mg

If there is an increase in postpartum behavior or birth paresis at the herd level.

As a single animal diagnostic (problem animals) and herd diagnostic (10 unafflicted animals bevore calving).

Blood profile - fertility cattle

  • FFS, BHB, AST, ALT, Bili, GLDH, Hst, Chol, ß-Carotene, Se, Cu, Mn

Possibility to find the problem in case of lowered reproduction rate in the herd

Blood profile - calf

  • TP, Alb, Se, Fe

Haptoglobin - cattle

Blood count

  • small
    • without differentiation Leukocytes

The overview of the quantitative distribution of blood cells provides information about inflammatory processes or anemic processes.

Cover hair analysis

  • Cu, Zn, Mn and Se

To clarify the longer-term supply situation with the trace elements.

Urine profile

  • pH-value, acids, bases, NH4, BSQ, NSBA, Ca, P, Na, Mg, K

Is especially interesting for cows befor calving to assess the risk of birth paresis and to check the success of the use of acid salts in the ration. 


Blood profile - horse

  • AST, AP, Alb, TP, Bili, GLDH, Hast, Chol, CK, Ca, Mg, P, γ-GT

Blood count

  • small
    • without differentiation Leukocytes

The overview of the quantitative distribution of blood cells provides information about inflammatory processes or anemic processes.

Urine profile

  • pH-value, acids, bases, NH4, BSQ, NSBA, Ca, P, Na, Mg, K


Cover hair analysis

  • Cu, Zn, Mn and Se

To clarify the longer-term supply situation with the trace elements.


Blood profile - pig

[Translate to Englisch:]

  • ALT, AP, Bili, Hast, Chol, CK, Ca, P, Fe, γ-GT

Blood count

  • small
    • without differentiation Leukocytes

The overview of the quantitative distribution of blood cells provides information about inflammatory processes or anemic processes.

Urine profile

  • pH-value, acids, bases, NH4, BSQ, NSBA, Ca, P, Na, Mg, K


Cover hair analysis

  • Cu, Zn, Mn and Se

To clarify the longer-term supply situation with the trace elements.


Blood profile - sheep/goat

  • AST, Bili, BHB, GLDH, Hst, Chol

Blood count

  • small
    • without differentiation Leukocytes

The overview of the quantitative distribution of blood cells provides information about inflammatory processes or anemic processes.

Urine profile

  • pH-value, acids, bases, NH4, BSQ, NSBA, Ca, P, Na, Mg, K


Cover hair analysis

  • Cu, Zn, Mn and Se

To clarify the longer-term supply situation with the trace elements.

Udder Health

classic bacteriological analysis (BA)

  • classical bacteriological pathogen cultivation of quarter or total milk samples
  • Diagnostics according to an accredited method based on the DVG guidelines.
  • In addition, cell count determination, resistogram preparation, and determination for vaccine preparation can be performed.

Mastitis analysis per PCR

  • 16 relevant mastitis pathogens including Mycoplasma bovis and Mycoplasma spp. can be detected by molecular biology.


  • Mykoplasma bovis und Mykoplasma spp. 

In case of high cell counts, treatment-resistant mastitis and frequently bacteriologically negative examination results, screening for mycoplasma is recommended.

Mastits analysis in the tank milk

  • fast and uncomplicated screening-method at herd level
  • In addition, there is the possibility of using the tank milk annual contract as a monthly herd screening.

Order form 

Tank milk analysis annual contract

Pregnancy diagnostics

Pregnancy diagnostics from the milk

  • by means of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG).
  • possible from the 28th day of pregnancy
  • animals: cattle/sheep/goat
  • Milk samples from the initial milking (special samples) or from the total milking (GERO/MLP) 
  • Safety of the test is >95%

Pregnancy diagnostics from blood

  • by means of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG).
  • possible from the 28th day of pregnancy
  • animals: cattle/sheep/goat
  • Safety of the test is >95%

Bacteriological and parasitological analysis

Bacteriological analyses

  • Swabs: nose, throat, ear, vaginal, eye
  • Bedding
  • Faeces

Parasitological analyses

  • Ectoparasites

Quality- and cleanliness check

Cleaning and disinfection swabs

  • total germ count/cm 2

Hygiene Package bedding

  • pH value determination
  • aerobic mesophilic total germ count
  • coliform bacteria / E. coli
  • aesculin-positive streptococci

New price list

Please note that a new pricelist for our analyses will apply at LKS mbH from April 2024. We will be happy to provide you with these upon request.


Our veterinary diagnostics

We offer you various analyses around the health of livestock animals in our accredited testing laboratory. 


Metabolic analyses help to detect problems in husbandry and feeding management early. Important information on energy metabolism, acid-base balance, mineral metabolism and the supply of trace elements as well as vitamin balance can be obtained. In addition, fertility and calf management as well as the feeding status of the herd can be checked.

Udder health analyses pregnancy analyses for cows, goats and sheep, as well as parasitological and bacteriological examinations (including faeces, Cleaning and disinfection swabs, nose swabs, cubicle quality) are indispensable tools in animal health management.

Cornelia Rückert

Forschung/Entwicklung u. Fachberatung

Veterinarian for animal nutrition and dietetics
+49 37206 87-165

Jacqueline Wolfram

microbiology, veterinary diagnostics and foodstuff

technical manager LKS & LKV

+49 37206 87-187