The LKS mbH

The LKS mbH - Agricultural laboratory

Founded in 2002, the core business of LKS mbH - Landwirtschaftliche Kommunikations- und Servicegesellschaft mbH - is the analysis of feedstuff, soil samples, veterinairy diagnostics and bacteriological milk examinations. 


The aim is to provide comprehensive advice to the farmer, starting with the appropriate soil analyses, through feeding, to animal health.

All analyses can be interpreted by expert employees and applied to the company in question.

Our laboratory is accredited D-PL-14632-01-00 to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. 

Coarse feed analytics - control of feed ration

Aim: Determination of feed value for optimal calculation of feed ration and control of feeding management.


Examination options:

  • raw nutrients and ingredients incl. energy:
    dry matter, crude ash, crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract, sugar, starch
  • fibre fraction + sieving analysis (Penn State Seperator):
    aNDFom, ADFom, ADL, NFC, peNDF
  • corn silage processing score (CSPS/KPS)
  • CP-fractions (CNCPS):
    A, B1, B2, B3, C and RUP
  • rumen undigestible starch (Bypass)
  • Cornell-system
  • Minerals + DCAB:
    Ca, P, Na, Mg, K, Cl, S, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe
  • Amino acids
  • Micorbiological and toxical analyses
  • Fecal analyses: 
    starch and ether extract
  • veterinairy diagnostics:
     blood and urine

Nutritional damages

Aim: Investigate causes of unclear performance reductions or deterioration in health status of individual animals.


Examination options:

  • Mycotoxins (feedstuffs, urine)
  • Yeasts and moulds
  • Bacteria
  • Clostidium perfringens and C. botulinum
  • Alcohols 
  • carboxylic acids (incl. lactic acid)
  • water-soluble carbohydrates
  • biogenic amines
  • peNDF
  • fatty acid spectrum (RUFAL-value)
  • Fat spoilage 
  • Toasting (urease activity)
  • veterinairy diagnostics
  • Blood- and urine analyses

Special control of products

Aim: Characteristics of the degradation behavior and degradation dynamics of different nutrients.


Examination options: 

Measurements of degradation (for different passage rate)

  • Crude Protein, RUP
  • Starch, Stärke, rumen undigestible starch
  • ether extract 
  • NDF
  • drymatter
  • organic matter
  • Release of N (SRU)

Measurement of digestibility

  • Digestibility in small intestine (in vitro)
  • In vivo digestibility (energy, nutrients)

In vitro Measurements

  • Gas produvtion test (HFT)
  • Gas formation curve
  • uCP
  • Digestibility of organic matter
  • NDFD (24 h, 30 h, 72 h, 120 h, 240 h)
  • iNDF/uNDF


Prof. Dr. Jörg Hilger


Managing director
+49 37206 87-110

Wolfram Richardt

LKS Labore

Head of laboratories
+49 37206 87-138

Consulting and attestation

for chemical feedstuff analyses

+49 37206 87-140

Jacqueline Wolfram

microbiology, veterinary diagnostics and foodstuff

technical manager LKS & LKV

+49 37206 87-187